Now what?


I’m about to graduate, and then… what?

I recently get asked, very often, what are my plans for the future. Truth is I don’t really know and honestly it scares me to think about it. It’s funny because I never imagined myself working a job from 9 to 5 sitting on a desk and maybe this sounds spoiled but I just could not imagine. Or better yet, I could but I know I would be miserable…

Shortly before finishing my bachelor I started looking for art schools and animation courses all over the world. There’s a number of places that are known for their university’s art programs and such, including France, California, LA, Canada… However none of the options are affordable for me and I am just not ready to invest on my self and ask a massive loan when I am not even sure I would like the course.

The thing about me is that although I’ve always been a good student, I never really liked the academic life. A lot of the classes were a waste of time (at least for me) and when I felt that I would just miss it and come for the exams. So if I would continue studying the “traditional” way it would have to be an amazing course. I am sure that I would love the courses in the states but they are just too expensive.


After realizing the big universities were out of my budget I started looking for online courses… And after a while I found ArtSchool , an online course that was exactly was I wanted! After making an animation for my final major project I realized that what I really really like to do is to draw. This course teaches artists to improve their skills, no matter their level. It has color theory, human anatomy drawing, composition, lighting and much more.

I can’t wait to start and show you my journey!

I’ll be sharing my things on Instagram and Facebook .



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