FMP – Tutorial with Helen

Right after the 3D meeting, I had a tutorial with Helen. But between those I had time to cut my balsa pieces for the puppet:


On the tutorial, we’ve looked through all my sheets. Helen and I discussed the wing mechanism and Helen suggested that I would use wire between two pieces of cardboard instead on the balsa because that way it’s thinner and lighter. I also asked Helen with what material I should use to cover my armature, either gum tape with PVA or masking tape. Helen suggested I tried both on small pieces of balsa and see to which one the plasticine sticks the most. And that’s what I did:


Once it’s dry I will cover them with plasticine.

Another thing I discussed with Helen was my change of plans. Instead of making an educational animation I simply want the bird to present the club. I will still write the stories and make the respective storyboards but I realised that it would take twice as long to make an educational animation because the bird would have to interact with the objects and space around her By making it more simple I am securing that I will have a finished animation. Helen said that it should be fine as long as I update my proposal later. (all of this because I decided to make a set)

During the tutorial, Helen was writing on a sheet and gave it to me later on. It helped understand the next big steps:

  • Drill Balsa wood
  • Finish puppet by next week, lower the gravity centre
  • Choose the narration voice
  • Storyboards to add although not educational narrative – just about the club
  • Possible illustrations for backdrop

Today was a feedback day. Both from Helen and peers.  By the end of the day I had changed my plans and figured a really good armature plan. This project is going well and it keeps moving forward. Next stage – Build puppet

Note: Simon (the new derek) is available for foundation students only on Monday but I’ll try to go there tomorrow since what I want to do doesn’t take a lot of time or tools. (drilling balsa)

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