LTAV Final Project

Our final project for the sound part of LTAV was to make a small audio file of 30 to 40 seconds. The audio had to contain a dialogue between at least 2 characters and there had to be a big noise interrupting the dialogue. We had to present a script along with the audio so the teacher could see what kind of noises we would use. We could get sounds anywhere, samples, youtube videos, television, radio…

I gathered a lot of sounds and it was quite fun to play around with them!

My initial script was good but when I was done editing the whole audio I noticed it was waayyy too long. As I worked in GarageBand, instead of seconds, the measure was in “beats”. Well, I had 40 beats but it turns out that that was in fact 1.20 minutes so I had to cut a lot on my script.

Here is my final script (it’s in Portuguese):

Projeto LTAV – Maria Giraldes

I’ve been through a lot of changes with this project since I never worked with audio like that before. For the voices of the characters, I used my friend’s Constança’s voice because she has a diverse amount of accents and voices. After recorded (on my computer) I almost didn’t change their pitch. I put the voices on opposite sides so it looked like they were far from each other, talking.

For the ocean sound, I used a lot of combined samples like ocean waves, seagulls, water fountains. It was a bit tricky but I played with the volumes of each sample and I think it worked!

Throughout the whole project, I was watching some tutorials on how to edit audio. I am aware that Garageband is not at all the best program to work with sound but I hope to learn better ones in the future. Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 19.39.43.png

Here are some screenshots of my editing:

This project really got me interested in editing sound. First time I actually played with stereo and I found that sound is an amazing tool with infinite outcomes!




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