Han Zimmer online classes

Han Zimmer is a really known composer of movie soundtracks. He made the music for several films such as Inception, Interstellar, Sherlock Holmes… And by that, we can surely assume he is the top of the top! There’s now a paid masterclass available where he explains what and how we should think when composing something.

Luckily, my Dad offered me this masterclass which I am taking little by litle and it’s just great! I am learning from Han Zimmer!!!

Hopefully, these classes will help me on the piano (I play the piano) and also when it comes to composing. Let’s say I never even tried to compose yet… I am aware this is a great tool I can use and who knows I’ll be doing the soundtrack for my own animations!

Here’s a screenshot of the class:

Has he’s in front of the computer at all times, he can come up with quick examples of what he just said!

I still didn’t finish the Masterclass but there is no reason to be stressed about it!

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