Fundamentals of Sound classes

For someone who had some expectations about this course, I still get surprised every day. In general, the course is even better than I thought would be. I realize it opens me so many doors… I just have to be careful not to get lost between them!

My classmates are the nicest people. Always ready to help, share and discuss and that’s crucial because I’ll probably stay in touch with these people and work with them. It’s funny because it looks like I’m just getting used to how nice and welcoming people are in Porto.

About the Sound classes, in particular, I am just loving to learn the science part of music. How octaves work and tones. I already know most of the things but just because I studied piano and it happened already twice that my brain clicks when there’s some explanation about notes or something because it’s a different explanation for the same things but it helps me understand it through another perspective.

I also like the rhythm we’re taking things. The sound is not an easy thing to understand 100% so the classes don’t flow as fast as others, which is good.

I am really happy with these classes and the course in general.

Stay tuned!

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