“Um Milagre Todos Os Dias” – Documentary

“Um Milagre Todos Os Dias” – “A miracle everyday” is a documentary directed by a teacher of mine.

I got to participate in this project because my teacher asked if I was able to draw a series of watercolors illustrations on the theme “Childhood”! The documentary itself is about an old people’s home, how it works inside and why that home is so special and different from the other ones. In front of the building where all the kindness happens there is a pine tree that everyone knows. The first thing my teacher asked me was to draw this pine tree because he would like to use it as the movie’s billboard.

This is the real pine tree:


And are mine:

This last one was chosen for the final billboard:


After all the trees, the teacher, which by the way is Henrique Manuel Pereira, asked me to draw some illustration about childhood. He wanted me to draw some toys, dolls, children playing and of course he wanted old toys, the ones the people at this home played with so… I did a little research on pinterest and here it is, go check it out!

After getting some inspiration I started drawing and here are my favorite ones:


The illustrations were used as the intro of the documentary. The theme childhood was to make a great contrast between the old people and the times that passed already.

Check the intro HERE!!!


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