“The lift” – animation

Last semester, on the subject of Cristian culture and Humanism we had to present a project on any theme related to the subject.

My group and me chose the 7 deathly sins and decided to make a small and simple animation.

The ideas on how to represent each sin came to us pretty fast. Then one of the members suggested that we made it look like a journey to different floor on an elevator!

After all the ideas were settled we spoke to our teacher Henrique Pereira, who helped us a lot with his feedback and we started working!


  • Proposal: Write and present our initial idea (here)
  • Storyboard: I drew the storyboard for the animation, a really fast thing and then tried some sketches on Photoshop to see how it looked like. Take a look at it Storyboard!!!
  • Task choices: We were 3 people developing this project. I was in charge of the animation itself. Gonçalo was in charge of the script and all the written parts and Francisco took care of the sound for the animation. Another member came along later to help me paint the animation.
  • Animation: It was really hard and fast due to the deadlines and that made it look much less pleasant in terms of smoothness.

The project was quite fast so there is not a lot to report! But here is our final proposal.

I surely learned a looot with this project and I thought I should start to animate something small everyday to practice…

Here is the animation!!!

Password: theliftanimation18

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