Krakow Visit

About a month ago I went to Krakow, Poland, with my family. I had the chance to try a really good camera so I spent the trip experimenting it.

I decided that my theme was going to te “lights” and the colour “red”. I took several pictures and hopefully I will mount them on an A1 sheet. Some of them are really abstract but what I like about it is that they are spontaneous. If I was in the same place at the same time that I took the pictures I wouldn’t be able to even have a similar result.

Rita Magalhães was one of the artist/ photographers that inspired this “series”. She usually plays a lot with filters or glass and abstraction. I used the same method since my pictures are taken through a window but the outcome has nothing to do with her work. It’s my individual view!


Like the typical touristic family that we are, we took a Tuc-Tuc around the center. That’s when I took the first pictures above. I really like the results and I’m still finding out why… In my opinion, for a first experience, it went okay 🙂

From the colour red, I also have some pictures. I found a really cool bathroom in a restaurant we stopped to eat. I went inside with the camera and, as the bathroom was shared, I had some awkward moments with strangers… Obviously, you don’t see a girl taking pictures to a bathroom every day…

Well, here they are!

Some of them were also taken of the Salt Mines and in bars, I’ve been in Poland. In the Salt mines specifically, I played with the exposure time. All the pictures above presented have no editing whatsoever that’s why some might me too dark or too light.

Though it seems that way, I didn’t spend the trip taking pictures of weird stuff… I have a couple of portrait pictures I really like.

Hopefully, I won’t be too lazy to post them 😉


Hope you enjoyed!

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