Inktober 2018

During the whole month of October I decided to embark on a new experience!

There is a challenge called Inktober 2018 where each day you are given a word and with that you have to come up with an illustration with ink.

This contest exists mainly to help artists develop their skills with ink, which is not so easy to use. It also helps artists to share their work with the world. This seemed like a good idea so I went for it!

The official prompt list:

Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 16.00.10

All my drawings are on my instagram account here!

Or…. You can see them here (ordered from day 1):

It was not always easy and sometimes instead of making one drawing per day I did 2 because I missed one day.

It was really fun but I am also glad I am done!

Overall it was a good experience and although I am still not a master of the inks I learned  lot.




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