Foundry Workshop

A few days ago, at Católica, my university, I attended a workshop. It was a company called Foundry that has a series of computer programs to do all kinds of 3D visual effects and such. It was the first time I heard about them and I was surprised to know that 3D animation is not using Maya anymore but Nuke, which is their main computer program.

It was a really soft introduction to special effects. we learned what VFX was, we defined compositing and we’ve looked through some of the Nuke’s functions.

Richi Paramo was the man representing Foundry on the workshop. He really made me want to search for every program they have and about animation job positions because I really don’t know everything’s that’s out there!

He also gave us the tip to install Mari and Nuke for free, kind of like a demo and watch several tutorials to start learning how to work with them. One good thing is that it pretty much works like photoshop which is something I’m used to and that’s already an advantage!


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