Book “Contos das 4 estações” / Presentation

The editor of the book arranged a presentation on a primary school. When I got the email I was really excited but also nervous.

It was a group of 40 kids, ages from 6-8yo more or less. First, the author read a part of the book, the autumn part (because we’re in that season) and then called a couple of kids to read other parts. Me, in the meantime, I was passing the slides that had the illustration of the part that was being read.

After that was question time, where kids made some to the author and me. I was not expecting being asked anything but it went well 🙂

At the end there were 3 different activities, there were facial paintings with a girl, I was going around the room drawing on the kid’s sheet something they wanted from the story, either a character or a bird or something and the author was also going around showing the books to everyone.


It was amazing! I was so nervous but having all those kids acting like I was their idol made it easier hehe!

Illustrating the book was really hard work but this kind of experiences are really paying off!!!!

Here is the link to the book!

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