Booking problems and A1 sheets

When I was booking the photo studio for my animation I was surprised by the available slots.. I only had wendnesday so I asked for the whole day on wendnesday and that’s what I got!

The fact that the studio was overbooked actually gave me more time to do some extra sheets I wanted:




The set design sheet and the storyboarding sheet.

I also had more time to finish my set. I painted the volleyball field lines and painted the balls as well. I also added the 3D logos of the other existing birds and the club logo on the back wall.


I am quite happy with the set and now I am definitely ready to start animating. It’s a bit scary to think about the short time I have left… This project has been a huge step in my learning. Hopefully, everything will go ok with the animation part.

5 thoughts on “Booking problems and A1 sheets

  1. Good work, Maria! Very well done! The volleyball field it’s perfect!
    I’m really curious about the animation part!
    Learning “com as mãos na massa” it’s the better way to learn!

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